Note: We do not endorse any specific Pet Health Insurance company - these links are provided for informational purposes only.
VPI Pet Insurance
Pet's Health Plan
Embrace Pet Insurance
ASPCA Insurance
AKC Pet Health Care
American Animal Hospital Association
Features a pet care library, frequently asked questions, and a coloring contest for kids with a new winner
each month.
Veterinary Partner.com
User friendly site with articles on animal health, medications, therapies, surgery, behavior, and safety.
Pet Place.com
User friendly site with a searchable database of articles related to general pet care, disease specific
information, and a drug library.
longliveyourdog.com by Purina
Useful articles on canine health, nutrition, behavior and training.
Online Canine and Feline encyclopedias, health articles, and information on Veterinary Careers.
Ruby and Thunder
Ruby and Thunder is a useful website for dog training information.
American Heartworm Society
Pet owner information, treatment guidelines and answers to frequently asked questions.
Cornell Consultant
Database of disease information which lists basic descriptions and symptoms. Searchable by symptom or
Feline Chronic Renal Failure
In depth explanation of CRF, tests and diagnostics, medications, and related problems. Also contains supportive
information for the caregivers of cats with CRF.
Feline Diabetes.com
An introductory pet health guide about treatment of diabetes in cats.
Canine Diabetes.org
Diabetes education plus resources to communicate with others and find emotional support.
Neurology Service at the VMTH
There is a link to "Neuro Disorders" on the home page for articles on Myasthenia Gravis and brain tumors.
Hills Health Center
Nutrition information from the company that produces Science Diet and Prescription Diets.
Purina Veterinary Diets
Useful articles on Purina's prescription diets.
Royal Canin Veterinary Diets